Might have some time for this now…

So typing away here one handed as I am home bound for a number of weeks due to Carpal Tunnel surgery. I think the most painful part of the surgery was the darn tourniquet the had on my arm. Also there were some interesting sounds and tugging sensations as it was done with just local anesthetic. Was not able to watch as they had me laying down for the procedure. They were kind enough to double the dose at my request, as I seem to have a tolerance to pain medications and require more than normal, my dentist has my file tagged as a reminder even. Since my job has no light duty options I am home for the full recovery time, and of course I get my other hand done in the new year, so this is going to be a long process.

Carpal Tunnel #1
Carpal Tunnel #1

I get to take the wrap off tomorrow and get it cleaned up. If you want to see any of my new pictures I have been posting over at Flickr as of late: Digital Generator Photography (just a name, it’s not a business)

Okay this is taking longer than I thought, so I am signing off for the moment.

So enough for now…as some other sparkly has my attention…till next time…OH SO SHINY…


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