Day 17, 18 and 19: Journal of an unemployed bum at home…

Not much to tell at the moment. I was told to keep Monday (Day16) free for a 2nd meeting from my interview on Day 13. I never got the phone call. So on Day 14 I tried the manager a few times with no success and finally left a voice message near the end of the day. On day 15 I received a quick email for a meeting today only to receive another email this morning now postponing the meeting till next Monday (Day 23).

So will see what happens…

In the mean time my plan to head out and drop off a resume at the mine was denied due to a rather large and unexpected snow storm that hit the area. Weather man didn’t know what hit him, like normal. Must be the best job to get paid to be wrong all the time. The final tally must have been about 5 inches of snow over the course of the day. I’m sure the local ski hill is happy. In the long run it is good to get some more snow up in the snowshed areas so that we do not get water rationed for the summer and help stave off local forest fires.

So enough for now…as some other sparkly has my attention…till next time…OH SO SHINY…

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